
2 articles in category Politics / Subscribe

Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world – former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart – join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably. Goalhanger podcasts This a podcast I listen to often. Politics in recent years has become ruthless, cruel and characterised by a nastiness that I find horrible. So to listen to two people from opposite …

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If you’ve ever yelled at someone on social media about, say, cancel culture or mask-wearing, then you are a soldier in the culture wars – those everyday battles for dominance between conflicting values. The acclaimed writer and podcaster Jon Ronson has seen friends swallowed up in them to the extent that it’s ruined their lives. Jon was curious to learn how things fell apart, and so he went back into the history of the culture wars to find some of the origin stories: the pebbles thrown in the pond, creating the ripples that led us to where we are today. …

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